Qui sommes-nous


We are committed to providing you with all the resources you need to make your audiovisual projects a success.

For over 40 years, we have followed technological developments with interest and curiosity. Our vocation is to cultivate innovation and make it available to you. 

The experience of Tapages (1981) and Nocturnes (1988) has enabled us to create Tapages & Nocturnes (2008) to offer you the very best in made-to-measure rental. 

We pay particular attention to your ergonomic needs so that you can achieve your full potential in the field. We have a solid technical culture at your service, so we can work with you to develop the solution that's right for you.

We maintain privileged, long-term relationships with our manufacturing partners to ensure that all the brands we reference are followed through.

We offer preparation facilities tailored to the specific nature of your operation, with a team ready to listen.

We are passionate about the success of your projects and are always looking for new talent to join us in this human adventure.